Saturday, January 4, 2014

US History Midterm Study Guide

Okay, here it is.  I apologize for the formatting.  I tried to post the Study Guide as an attachment that you would just click on to open, but my website apparently doesn't do that.  You will have to copy and paste it to a word document and print it, or, you could go old school and write all the questions down.  I would choose option one.

Before you print it off, I will say this.  This document will be 7 pages long.  DO NOT FREAK OUT!!! If you have your tests and vocabulary assignments in your binder, you have all the info you need.  Most, if not all of the stuff on the study guide is from previous tests.  The questions for each chapter are in order, so use the book too.

Even though it looks long, it will be a piece of cake. The actual midterm test will have all of this info, so start studying now!!! Good luck!

When you copy and paste this to a word document, make sure to add a few spaces between each question.  When I pasted it on here, it took the spaces away.

US History Midterm Study Guide
Chapters 6-11
Mr. Monty
Review the topics and vocabulary words below. 
Chapter 6: The Industrial Revolution
1.   Define Bessemer Process

2.   Who was Thomas Edison and why was he important?

3.   Define transcontinental railroad.  Why was it important?

4.   Who was Andrew Carnegie and why was he important?

5.   Define Social Darwinism

6.   Who was John D. Rockefeller and why was he important?

7.   Define Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

8.   What do labor unions do?

9.   Who was Eugene V. Debs?

Chapter 7: Immigration and Urbanization
1.   What was Ellis Island?

2.   What was Angel Island?

3.   Define melting pot

4.   Define nativism

5.   Define Chinese Exclusion Act

6.   Define Urbanization

7.   What kind of problems did big cities and urban areas face at the turn of the century? (pages 264-265)

8.   Define political machine

9.   Define graft

10.                Who was Boss Tweed?

11.                Define Patronage

12.                Define Pendleton Civil Service Act

Chapter 9: The Progressive Era
1.   What were the 4 goals of Progressivism?

2.   Define Progressive movement

3.   Define prohibition

4.   Define muckrakers

5.   Define initiative

6.   Define referendum

7.   Define recall

8.   What did the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments do?
9.   Define suffrage

10.                Tell me about Teddy Roosevelt. Was he a productive president?

11.                What was the square deal?

12.                Define meat inspection act

13.                Define pure food and drug act

14.                What was the NAACP?  What do they do?

15.                Tell me about William Howard Taft.

16.                Define the Payne-Aldrich Tariff

17.                What was the Bull Moose Party?

18.                Tell me about Woodrow Wilson. What party did he belong to?  Was he productive as president?

Chapter 10: Imperialism

1.   Define imperialism

2.   Why did the US want Hawaii?

3.   What caused the tension between the US and Spain that led to the Spanish-American War?

4.   Define yellow journalism

5.   What was the USS Maine and what happened to it?

6.   Tell me about the Spanish-American War.  Where did fighting start and where did it go from there?  Who won?

7.   Who won the Spanish-American War?

8.   How was land divided up after the war? (who got Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines)

9.   Define Foraker Act

10.        Define Platt Amendment

11.        What were the Open Door Notes?

12.        Tell me about the Panama Canal? (Who built it, how long did it take, and what 2 bodies of water does it connect?)

Chapter 11: World War One
1.   What were the 4 long-term causes of World War One? (Think MAIN)

2.   Who made up the Triple Entente?  Who made up the Triple Alliance?

3.   What was the immediate cause of the war?

4.   Define trench warfare

5.   What was the Lusitania and what happened to it?

6.   When did the war start and end? (Years)

7.   When did the US join? (Specific date)

8.   Define Zimmerman Note

9.   Define Selective Service Act

10.                What 4 things made their debut during World War One?

11.                Define propaganda

12.                How did the US pay for the war?

13.                Define great migration

14.                Define League of Nations

15.                What was the treaty of Versailles?  What were the details?

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